Active Ingredient: Beneficial Bacilli species.
Mode of Action: Produces antimicrobial compounds that inhibit pathogen growth and stimulate plant defenses.
Target Diseases: Wilt, damping off, root rot, stem rot, collar rot, leaf spots, rust, blight, downy mildew, anthracnose, xanthomonas, etc.
Method: Foliar spray, soil drench, or seed treatment.
Dosage: Use the recommended dosage on the label.
Frequency: Regular applications recommended for sustained disease resistance.
Increases Crop Yield: Promotes healthy plant growth.
Eco-Friendly: Reduces the need for chemical fungicides.
Enhances Disease Resistance: Boosts plant immunity.
OptaShield is a powerful biofungicide and biobactericide formulation designed to prevent and control a variety of fungal and bacterial diseases affecting crops. It contains concentrated beneficial Bacilli species.
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